In an internal promotion video AMD bashes Intel, but does so while making fun of Herzegovina and its people. We received several complaints from appalled residents of Herzegovina who saw the movie on Youtube and, needles to say, they weren't amused by it at all. In case you didn't know Herzegovina is an integral part of a South eastern European country called Bosnia and Herzegovina, and not an island off the cost of Canada.
The public expects action and demand their government takes steps to bring about a public apology from AMD. There is a rumor that some lawmakers intend to bring the matter up for discussion at a parliament session in Mostar next week. Should AMD choose to do nothing about the issue there might be some "serious consequences".
This makes sense since much of Herzegovina's income comes from tourism, and its inhabitants are proud of the natural beauties and the good image they have in the region. Local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina are set for 2008, but patriotism is already running high and hawks plan to cash in on the public outcry. They want to be seen as protecting Herzegovina's interests from a large and powerful capitalist corporation, hence we can expect that this issue will not go away soon.
Here's the
The historic city of Mostar in Herzegovina, tourism is a major source of income in the region and we know for a fact that some high ranking European AMD executives spent some time in this beautiful town.