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Texas boffins increase density of HDD

by on16 November 2012

Not bad for a state which doesn't believe in evolution

Researchers at the University Texas took time out from their busy schedule of proving that the world is 6000 years old by coming up with a design that could circumvent some of the pressing limitations of data storage technology.

The researchers at the University of Texas were able to produce nanoscale self-assembling dots, and work around the limitations that hamper traditional designs. It means that cheap, reliable hard drives with record storage density. It all depends on a process to synthesise block copolymers, a material that can quickly self-assemble into dots that are less than 10 nanometers in size.

The polymer will follow any pattern etched into the surface on which it is deposited, which is perfect for disk drives. When the polymer is slapped on a properly prepared metal substrate it will conform itself and produce the required dot design with a high degree of accuracy.

The University is working with Hitachi Global Storage Technologies to try and adapt this technology to their products and integrate it into a mainstream manufacturing process.

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