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Intel rushes to fanfare Windows 8

by on25 October 2012

Otellini backtracks

After saying that Windows 8 was not really ready yet, Intel's Paul Otellini has rushed to join the throngs praising its launch.

Otellini told AllthingsD that the launch was a “watershed event” as opposed to the water closet version he was talking about a couple of weeks ago. He said that the fact that the OS spans from traditional PCs and tablets and then in all the hybrid devices in between is really  powerful. Otellini said that Windows 8 allows the hardware side to really exercise creativity in a way that we haven’t been able to do for quite some time.

He did admit that the release also presents new challenges, and comes at a time when PC sales are under pressure from a weak economy, with consumers opting to spend their budget on other purchases, including food. Otellini added it that it was hard to say how much Windows 8’s return to tablets might help things.

“That particular element won’t be known until January, when you count the numbers and see how well Windows 8 tablets did versus Android versus iPad,” Otellini said.

Otellini says he is quite excited about the opportunity with Windows 8. He said that Intel had been anxiously awaiting the launch. He had been “doing this” for a long time, and I haven’t seen this level of excitement and creativity within the joint Intel-Microsoft customer base in ages.

Otellini won’t be in New York for the big launch. He is er... washing his hair that day.  But he will be excited.

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