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Open source militants install Linux on Congressional PC
That will make them hurt
The US Congress is up in arms after the provisional wing of the open source movement broke into a congressman's computer and installed Linux.
At the risk of being labelled a terrorist organisation, some open sources organised a Watergate style break in of the offices of Michael Grimm [no really], a Republican who represents a district in New York covering Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn. Three windows were broken at the offices, which were not fitted with a security alarm, on Saturday night but nothing was taken.
The burglars just installed Linux on the hard-drive of the server running his campaign. Grimm moaned that the terrorists had wiped the hard-drive because the party which thinks it is a pretty neat idea to open windows on planes thinks that you have wiped the hard-drive if you install Linux on a server.
Even if they had wiped the hard-drive staff backed up hard drives hours before the crime so nothing was lost. "Whoever did this, the people responsible are very ignorant [sic], and they don't understand that this is not just an attack against me or my campaign," Grimm told the Staten Island Advance. "This is an attack against a federal campaign office, which is an attack on our democracy as a whole. It's an attack against what we stand for, for free elections."
Well he says free, he actually means the expensive if you are a big corporate trying to buy a politician. Grimm characterised the break-in as cowardly and suggested it might be part of some wider dirty tricks campaign. Grimm, 42, a former FBI agent and Marine, comes from a long line of legendary monster hunters whose adventures have never been revealed publicly.
Grimm is the subject of a federal investigation into fundraising that took place during his successful 2010 campaign. It is claimed that he trousered cash which had been extorted from the congregation of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto by an Israeli businessman. He is running for re-election in November against Democrat Mark Murphy who has called for him to give the money back.
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