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360 gets FOX Broadcast App
Only Dish & Verizon FiOS subscribers
Microsoft has launched the new FOX Broadcast Application today, which gives those using the app next-day access to your favorite FOX shows and content. The programming available will span the FOX broadcast offerings.
The FOX Broadcast app includes full Kinect integration, which give you the ability to play, rewind, and pause programming using either your hands or voice. Of course, you will have to be an Xbox Live Gold subscriber to use the application; and perhaps most importantly, you have to be subscribed to either satellite provider Dish or cable provider Verizon FiOS to gain access to the app.
Sources tell us that while it only supports Dish and FiOS subscribers to start with, Microsoft and FOX are attempting to work out deals with other providers, as well, but there are no announcements as to additional providers at this time.