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Polish minister hands his iPad back

by on23 August 2012

Too much like a Stalinist regime

A Polish minister has handed back his state issued Apple gear because the walled garden of delights is like living under Stalinist rule.

Dariusz Ionian, Lodz MP SLD and SLD spokesman said that if his data is stored somewhere and can be recovered, it can also be made public. He said that the lack of control over his iPad worried him. Not only is he worried about spies, but Ionian said that the data from the tablet 460 members was poorly protected. MPs also have a habit of losing them.

Ionian was in favour of the tablets being used, but he came to the conclusion that if the data is not secure, you will not benefit from it. The Polish Open Source Movement has offered to configure his laptop with Linux but we would not hold our breath waiting for him to agree.

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