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Apple's Mountain Lion release a network failure
So much for the cloud
Apple released its new Mountain Lion software yesterday but very few people have been able to download it.
The problem is that Jobs' Mob's servers have been thumped by countless fanboys who have to by the latest software because Apple told them too and they are thinking different. Apple put up patronising messages reminding fanboys that they need to be patent. It did not matter if they had it now because the software was not going to go off.
Tragically of course, Apple software and hardware does go off quite quickly. This fact has got them in hot water with consumer watchdogs in Europe. However in this case Apple really does not have an excuse for not being able to provide the software on demand. The company has spent a fortune on a huge data centre in the US which is far too big for anyone's needs – including Google. It is also leasing shedloads of dataspace from Amazon.
Apple fanboys should be concerned then why the company is taking so long to deliver their software.
More here.