Amazon working on 5 to 6 tablet SKUs
Staples president spills the beans
According to recent claims by Demos Parneros, president of U.S. Retail for Staples, it appears that Amazon might introduce up to six different tablet SKUs.
Although he did not disclose any details in his chat with Reuters, Mr. Perneros, suggested that we might see different sizes of tablets including the already mentioned 10-inch model. Of course, the five or six different SKUs could simply mean that they are also counting various models depending on the storage capacity. Mr. Perneros did not shed any light on recent Amazon smartphone rumors.
The remark on different SKUs could also simply be based on different Kindle e-readers and for now everything goes considering that Amazon did not want to comment or share any details regarding its future tablet plans. At least the comments made by Mr. Parneros made those 10-inch rumours just a bit more real.
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