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Apple takes over your hotel room
Will not bring you a hooker
The Opus Hotel in Vancouver has been installing an in room conceirge service for guests based around the iPad.
The hotel found that people did not steal the tablet, along with the towels and have expanded the program to include in-room iPhones that can be taken by guests and used while they visit Vancouver without worrying about international roaming fees. The phone replaces the traditional "landline" telephones in guests' rooms and thanks to being connected to a local Canadian provider, guests can use the phone to make in-Canada calls without fear of surcharges.
The iPhone comes preloaded with hotel department numbers, reports USA Today, and is fully wiped and re-imaged after the guest checks out. As you might expect the Opus is pretty expensive and is in a swanky area. Rooms cost $300 or more per night so only someone with shedloads of cash would ever go there.
Coincidently Apple fanboys are famous for having more money than sense and are exactly the sort of customers that the hotel wants. The downside of course is that being part of Apple's walled garden the Internet is censored and Siri will not recommend you a good place to get a prostitute. This means that visiting French executives and politicians will have to wait until the morning to hit on the cleaning staff.
More here.