Deutsche Bank praises Intel diversification plans
Half of its revenue could come from wireless and flash
Deutsche Bank analyst Ross Seymore has been praising Chipzilla's plans to become less chippy.
Seymore said that he has been asking around and adding up some figures and come to the conclusion that half the expected $4 billion in revenue gains for Intel in 2013 could come from non-core businesses like wireless and flash storage. Intel executives for the past several years have been trying to expand the company’s reach beyond its core x86-based PC and server chips.
Seymore said that the giant chip maker stands to grow profits by as much as $4 billion in 2013, and about half of that could come from businesses other than PC and server chips, including embedded technology, wireless chips and NAND flash storage. In a research report Seymore praised Intel’s efforts in these noncore areas and they were causing headaches for its newest competitors.
“According to our analysis, within these markets Intel has dramatically outperformed its competition on revenue growth and/or profitability from 2008-2012 and is poised to extend these gains in 2013,” Seymore said in the report. “While the vast majority of Intel’s revenue and profits are driven by the core PC and server markets, the company has made meaningful progress in expanding into new markets such as embedded, NAND flash and wireless. In many cases the company has grown market share and profitability while taking market share and negatively impacting competitors.”
Intel has duffed up chip maker Texas Instruments, solid-state drive (SSD) vendor SanDisk and wireless semiconductor company MediaTek, the report claims.