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Two thirds of managers can't find their data

by on25 June 2012

Or their rear ends

Research from Varonis Systems has found that 67 per cent of IT Managers say that senior management in their organisations either don’t know where all company data resides or are not sure.

More than 74 per cent of organisations reported that they do not have a process for tracking which files have been placed on third party cloud digital collaboration and storage services. The survey was distributed to the attendees at EMC World and individuals from over 400 companies participated in the survey. With Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - particularly mobile and tablet devices - and file synch services booming, companies are open to a wave of potential devastation.

Files kept on third party cloud services can be lost, misplaced, accessed by unauthorized people or leave the company with the employee, causing data privacy and compliance problems. Of those companies which allow cloud-based file synchronization services, only 9 per cent of respondents’ companies have a process for authorising and reviewing access to cloud repositories in place.

This means that without control over access, or knowledge of where potentially sensitive organisational data resides, data is virtually up for grabs for anyone who can find it. David Gibson, VP of Strategy at Varonis said that the results clearly show a lack of control by those organizations that have adopted cloud file sync services.

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