Windows tablets to grab 20 percent of market
According to AMD's CEO Rory Read
In an interview with Fox Business, AMD's CEO Rory Read thinks that Windows 8 tablets will manage to grab a 20 percent share of the global tablet market in next five years. Currently, the majority of the market share goes to iPad while the rest is snatched by Android tablets, leaving 2 to 3 percent for Windows 7 based tablets.
AMD's Rory Read counts that Windows 8 might be the OS that will finally manage to turn the tide but it will certainly take some time. According to AMD's CEO, today's Windows 7 tablets are not even intended as iPad competitors as they are chunky, heavy and business-oriented devices. Fox Business adds that according to IHS iSuppli forecast, worldwide tablet sales are expected to surge 85 percent. Apple is expected to hold 61 percent while Android will get the majority of the remaining market at 38 percent, which is not far from numbers that came from AMD's CEO.
Of course, the expected 20 percent of the market increase for Windows tablets will not happen over night but rather in next five years, according to AMD's CEO, but we are sure that Apple will not sit with its hands crossed.
During the same interview, Mr. Read added, yet again, that AMD has no plans to enter the smartphone market and will rather focus on cloud computing. AMD already bought cloud server technology company SeaMicro and according to our info, there will be a handful of cloud related announcements at the upcoming AMD Fusion Developer Summit scheduled to kick off on 11th of June.
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