Published in News

Doctoms save $100,000

by on30 May 2012

By ignoring Microsoft

Web developers have worked out that if they do not build sites that work on Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser the can save more than $100,000.

According to Internet News strong showings for Firefox and Chrome means that it is no longer so important for a browser only to work on IE. Now a newew startup has decided to save cash by avoiding developing for IE since it costs more money. Instead 4ormat decided to skip Internet Explorer, opting to only allow users to access its service through Mozilla’s Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

So far few people have complained, proving that IE support isn't a big deal anymore. These days desktop users run multiple browsers and developers or go mobile first (WebKit/iOS/Android) first. What is surprising is that an IE website cost $100,000 more, sadly no one is saying why.

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