Published in News

THQ to skip E3 booth

by on07 May 2012

Will likely be in a hotel suite instead

We have been able to confirm through our sources that THQ has decided to skip the E3 booth thing this year, due to financial problems that the publisher had this year. It will still be at E3, however, showing off its latest offerings to the press and other concerned folks in a local hotel suite, which is a much more economical way to go.

While using a local hotel suite to show off one’s products is a common practice at many other shows, it isn’t something that we have seen a lot of at E3 in the past. Still, the decision to do it this way can realize a significant cost savings of over $1 million dollars or more, which is what it costs to do the typical E3 booth these days. Depending how fancy the booth you want, the sky can be the limit on what you spend at E3.

The decision to do a more low-key, invitation-only showing in a local hotel suite could actually benefit THQ, as they will be able to get more attention for their products and have a more direct one-on-one chance to tell their story.

It is expected that they will be showing the recently released, date bumped Darksiders II for sure, plus the new Saints Row: The Third Enter the Dominatrix expansion pack. Sources tell us that there is a very strong likelihood that they will also be talking about Company of Heroes II, WWE 13, and if they can make it happen, we should hear at least something about the Homefront sequel that is in production.

Last modified on 08 May 2012
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