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End of Inside Xbox not a hit with users
Many want Microsoft to reconsider decision
A number of readers have reached out to us and expressed your unhappiness over Microsoft’s decision to end the Microsoft-produced inside Xbox Features. It is not only us who are hearing this, as many have been expressing their displeasure with Microsoft’s decision.
Some of you tell us that you view the decision as a move by Microsoft to concentrate its resources and money on the entertainment aspects of the Xbox Live, rather than focusing on gaming and producing content to support what many view as the console’s core purpose.
While the talk that Microsoft will bring other content to replace Inside Xbox is interesting, many don’t think that the quality and focus will be on the Xbox, and that is really what many users want. While some might hope that Microsoft will reconsider their position, we doubt that will be the case; we suspect that they already have a new strategy in place and that we will hear more about it at E3.