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Inside Xbox canned in the U.S.
No word yet about other regions
With a short and to the point post on Major Nelson’s website, Microsoft has opted to can Inside Xbox streaming content in North America. (In addition to the U.S. and Canada, Australia and New Zealand will also be losing their Inside Xbox content.) As for other regions, Microsoft is still looking at their options and determining what makes sense going forward.
While Nelson’s explanation leaves a lot to be desired, he says that they will be leveraging third-party news and video content from existing and future partners to fill the void. He does say that some select first part content will still be part of these offerings.
Favorite streaming shows such as Major’s Minute, Insider Moves, and Featured Video that have been offered under the Inside Xbox brand will be coming to an end. Nelson does not offer an exact reason why the decision was made. However, with all of the video content that Microsoft has added to the console, recent reports suggest that entertainment use of the Xbox 360 is surpassing actual gaming time, and Microsoft evidently feels they need to direct their focus at what the users want.
According to our understanding, Major Nelson will live on, as everything else that Larry Hryb does will continue (including his podcast, for example). He will continue to be on point for the Xbox community.