Published in News

A fifth don't play games on games consoles

by on02 May 2012

Better to watch films and telly

New research from a UK’s discount website has revealed that over a fifth of people that own games consoles mainly use their console for watching catch up TV and films.

Another fifth said they just use it for browsing the web. Only 10 per cent of those polled said that they used it exclusively for playing games. It would appear that the games console could soon become a replacement for the television, as a fifth of Brits have admitted that they mainly use their games console for watching films and TV online.

Respondents were initially asked what they mainly used their games console for, to which 23 per cent said they used it for watching TV online and films. 21 per cent said they mainly used it to go online and use the internet, whilst 46 percent  said they predominantly used their games console for playing video games.

Those that said they mainly used their games console for watching TV and films were asked why, to which the majority, 61 per cent, said it was because it was ‘convenient’. They were then asked how often they used their games console to play games, to which 24 per cent said they did so less than once a week.

Mark Pearson, chairman of was quite surprised to see that so many games console owners used their device mainly for watching catch-up TV online and for watching films.

“Now that so many catch-up services are available on games consoles and you can also watch services like LoveFilm and Netflix on them as well, it would appear that games consoles are no longer just for gamers. If you’re looking for discount on games consoles, MyVoucherCodes have some great deals available on the site,” he said.

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