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TomTom hit by 'leap-year bug'
Turn left in February
TomTom, has been hit by a 'leap-year bug', which has caused some of its units to stop working. The Dutch outfit has said it had a problem with its "global positioning system firmware which was causing a limited number of models to fail to identify their location". Which was sort of the point.
Machines that suffer from the problem see a grey screen on their TomTom and a message saying the device does not have a GPS signal. The problem was first spotted on March 31 and the company said that it is working to resolve the issue with a system update. Customers affected can be found in the UK, Australia, Switzerland and Denmark, although we suspect they could not find themselves.
Still it is not as bad as our Garmin machine which insists on us driving through the centre of Rome, something which has been banned since the days of Julius Caesar.