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Cameron in hot water over snooping law

by on03 April 2012

y exclamation

My backbench is revolting

British Prime Minister David “One is an Ordinary Bloke” Cameron is facing a revolt within his own party over his cunning plan to monitor emails and website visits.

Over the weekend it was revealed how Cameron wanted ISPs to install hardware enabling GCHQ to examine "on demand" and in "real time" details of any phone call, text message or email, and any website visited. Labour gave up on a similar law in 2006 after opposition from the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.

But it looks like that opposition has not gone away, despite the fact that the Tories and their new Liberal Democrat chums are in power. David Davis, who was the first to the plate to bat against the bill has now been joined by Mark Field, a Conservative member of the the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee, which oversees the work of the intelligence agencies.

Field said that Government MPs were extremely concerned if this were to see the light of day in legislation were to see the light of day.

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