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HP cuts contractors salaries
Saving money from those who cannot strike
The maker of expensive printer ink HP has worked out that the best way to save a bob or two is cut the salaries of those who cannot go on strike to protest.
HP has cut the pay of some IT contractors, having handed down rate cuts of five per cent and more. Apparently the cut mirrors a move taken by many IT contractors’ banking clients. Only those IT contractors at HP Enterprise Security Services will be affected, when the downgrade comes into force from April 1st 2012.
A company spokesman said that “Service to clients will not be affected” although if it expects freelancers to work for less money and be happy about it we would say they were a little optimistic. Agents at Advanced Resource Managers were said to have confirmed the “contract variation” for HP’s ESS freelancers. They have a choice of course. They can go and work for someone else, but the market for contractors is not that great at the moment.
We just guess they will be organising raids on the company stationary cabinet to make up for the loss.