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Consumerisation of IT is a bad thing
Industry professionals hate it
Consumerisation of IT (CoIT) has had the single most negative impact on the role of the IT professional according to the findings of a new survey from Star. Star, which is a provider of on-demand computing and communication services to UK businesses, found that one in five IT professionals identified consumerisation of IT as having had the most negative impact on their role.
It has created a situation where the IT department is torn between the needs of both employees and the boardroom. Almost a third (32 per cent) of the IT professionals surveyed said that user demand for innovation is the biggest challenge they face in performing their roles. A quarter (25 per cent) said the biggest challenge they face is a lack of alignment between IT and the business it serves.
Paul Watson, interim CEO of Star said the IT department is undoubtedly busy keeping systems running but over the years has become another cost centre in the business and lost its status as the innovation department. IT professionals see consumerisation as a bad thing while everybody else thinks exactly the opposite and that is causing further frustration for business leaders, who are now wondering where they can go for the next innovation cycle?”
The IT professionals surveyed said that after virtualisation, cloud computing (24 per cent) has the single biggest positive impact on the IT role. Reasons why some companies have not yet adopted cloud computing include the inertia of colleagues (26 per cent) and the fact that there is currently no strategy for change (25 per cent).