Our friends over at VR-Zone have managed to capture images of Sapphire's upcoming Radeon HD 7970 6GB ultra-enthusiast GPU, which may possibly be branded under the company's "Toxic" series. Yes, the card features a whopping 6GB of GDDR5 memory on a 384-bit wide bus, up from the usual 3GB of 384-bit GDDR5.
Where AMD's reference Radeon HD 7970 is clocked at 925MHz core speed, giving it 3.79TFLOPs of theoretical computing performance, Sapphire claims its Radeon HD 7970 6GB will be clocked at 1200MHz core speed or higher when the cards eventually appear in retail. Aside from custom aesthetic changes to Sapphire's heatsink design, the Radeon HD 7970 6GB features a few diagnostic LEDs across the top edge of the card along with a redesigned BIOS switch that uses a blue LED-backlit "push" button instead of an actual switch. The card also features dual 8-pin PCI-Express power connectors which should provide liquid nitrogen overclockers with enough headroom for achieving some fantastic benchmarks.
More pictures can be found here.