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People have got SOPA protests out of system

by on02 March 2012

RIAA wants people to go back to crucifying pirates

The Recording Industry Association of America does not appear to have learned much from its rout over tough new anti-piracy laws in the US. According to Internet Evolution the outfit does not seem to think that the public has had enough of its antics.  The RIAA thinks that the public was confused by the likes of Wikipedia and really wants to surrender all their legal rights to Big Content.

Soon after losing the the SOPA bill, RIAA's CEO Cary Sherman claimed that Wikipedia and Google claimed to be neutral sources of information, but had exploited their stature to present information that duped users into accepting as truth what are merely self-serving political declarations. Sharman was interviewed by Andrew Keen  on his radio show and he was asked if an informed democratic public to be a bad thing.  He said that readers online" accepted misinformation being spread by Google and Wikipedia about SOPA and PIPA based on the assumption "if it comes from these sources, it must be true.

He said that those on the Internet have to hold themselves to the "same high standards" as newspapers and broadcast journalists do in the offline world, "with clarity and integrity." The implication was that anyone who spreads information which Sharman disagrees with is not being clear or acting with integrity."

Sharman felt that part of the problem was that too many people came to the conclusion that this was a terrible piece of legislation. In other words, hopefully next time people will only be privy to the message of legislators and lobbyists and the great unwashed would not get a chance to comment again.

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