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Quarter of Brits have taken sex photos on their phones
Just waiting for a thief to post
A quarter of British people are carrying pictures of them doing rude things to their partner, according to the latest “I bet more people do than we think” survey.
The surveyconducted by a mobile phone comparison website in the UK have revealed that more than a quarter of Britons have taken ‘sex’ photos or videos with their partner on their mobile phone. The study also revealed that 12 per cent of respondents admit to keeping sexy snaps of ex-partners on their mobiles., polled 1,976 people aged 18 and over, all of whom had a camera phone; investigating their habits when it came to taking photos on their mobile device. Respondents were initially asked, ‘Have you ever taken a ‘sex’ photo or video of yourself and a partner using your camera phone?’ to which over a quarter, 26 per cent, of respondents answered ‘yes’. asked htem if they had ever shared the photo/video with anyone else, other than the partner in question. Just over a third, 34 per cent of respondents admitted they had ‘shared the photo/video’ with friends.
Nearly 12 percent of people stored the flicks on their phone even if over half of them were seeing someone new.
Nearly two thirds of them have not password protected their phones files so they are free for anyone to see and share online.