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Wasteland next target for Kickstarting?

by on17 February 2012

inXile is apparently going to try to do it

After Double Fine’s success using Kickstarter to fund their new Double Fine Adventure project, a number of developers that we have spoken with say they are wondering how successful this method can be and whether or not this may become a new method to obtain funding?

CEO Brian Fargo of inXile Entertainment isn’t apparently going to wait. Instead, he is making plans to use Kickstart to fund a new title based on the very popular 1988 post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland. (Fargo was the co-creator of the title.) There would have never been a Fallout if there was not first a Wasteland, but that is a story for another day.

Fargo isn’t saying that the new title would be Wasteland 2, but rather a new title in the series that would be 100% faithful to the roots of Wasteland. Details still have to be worked out, and once they are able to get those handled they will be ready to move forward.

The biggest issue, of course, is that since it is funded by the fans the game will be what the fans want, rather than the mainstream “what will sell” that Publishers often push studios to produce. Fargo admits that while it will take more than just an estimated $1 million dollars to get the project off the ground for a PC version, it will also take a means to fit it into the production schedule at inXile.

Fargo and inXile recently acquired the rights to the game and they hope to launch a campaign on Kickstarter next month for a PC version with perhaps an iOS version in the future. Let’s hope Fargo can work out the details, that fans let lightning strike twice, and the project gets the kind of funding necessary to move forward.

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