The contest rules are fairly straightforward, with the only requirements being that you must be a resident of the United States age 18 or over. If you meet the requirements, Microsoft wants you to follow @windowsphone on Twitter and then tweet them one of the following messages:
- Option 1: If #DroidRage is breaking your heart, tweet a “Dear Droid” breakup letter with the hashtag #DumpingMyDroid.
- Option 2: If you already have a Windows Phone (or just want one), tweet why you love it with the hashtag #ILoveWindowsPhone.
Nevetheless, Microsoft analysts suggest that the company is making a bigger effort to promote and market its still-adolescent Windows Phone platform more than it has in the past. As BoyGeniusReport notes, the company made an effort earlier this month to solicit marketing ideas directly from current Windows Phone users.
Whether or not the company's marketing strategies will benefit the long-term growth of the Windows Phone platform remains to be seen. Surely, the impending launch of Windows 8 will provide some stability in the mobile space as vendors begin switching to ARM-based SoCs, but the grand scheme of how the company intends to compete with the likes of Apple's omnipresent marketing machine, for instance, remains to be seen.