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Father of the Web backed SOPA protests

by on19 January 2012

Law violates human rights.

The father of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has hit out at US government plans to censor the internet. Sir Tim said that the US  plans were undemocratic and violate human rights.

As major websites including Wikipedia blacked out in protest overnight, the web's creator, Sir Tim-Berners Lee, urged people to let their feelings be known to block it before it is enacted.

"It affects all the stuff on the internet working and something which would affect what you want to connect to, where you want to connect to," Sir Tim said.

He said that if Internet users were in American they should call somebody or send an email to protest against these (censorship) bills because they have not been put together to respect human rights as is appropriate in a democratic country.

Sir Tim's call to arms was made at IBM's annual Lotusphere conference, held in the southern, state of Florida. It seems that yesterday's protest seems to have worked and that Senators and Politicians are fleeing from being seen as supporting the new laws.

More here.

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