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Russia and China in battery alliance

by on30 December 2011

No longer poles apart

Russia and China want to dominate the tech industry with the world’s largest Li-ion battery plant. The plant will be built in Novosibirsk, Russia and will be a joint venture between Chinese firm Thunder Sky and RUSNANO which is a Russian state-run corporation.

The outfit wants to make 500,000 batteries a year. Dubbed Liotech, the plant will have 40,000 square feet owned by 20,000 rectangular workers we guess although the plant will be hiring 500 normal workers. It will be the largest lithium-ion battery factory in the world. It will be able to produce big automotive and bus batteries as well as batteries for smaller gadgets and emergency power supplies.

The Russian and Chinese firms have reportedly signed multiple contacts to supply the batteries to countries around the world.

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