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IT security could be a big money spinner for Brits
Spyman sees Goldfingers in every network
A Top British spook has said that the UK is in a good position to make a buck or two out of the information security market.
Jonathan Hoyle, Director General for Government and Industry Cyber Security at GCHQ said that Brits are pretty professional when it comes to information security will play a key role in enhancing the UK’s economic prosperity. Hoyle said: “Cyberspace presents an unprecedented opportunity to enhance the UK’s economic prosperity for the future. Effective Information Security, underpinned by professionalisation and the continued growth of cyber skills in academia, will be a cornerstone for achieving success in this challenging technological environment. The IISP should be a key player in those initiatives with the IISP Skills Framework becoming the basis for the public sector standard.”
It short, if you have cyber security skills in the UK you are unlikely to starve.