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Hackers want to bring down Fox television

by on31 October 2011

Remember, remember the fifth of November

Anonymous are planning to take out the Fox news network because of its coverage of the Wall Street Protests.

Dubbed “Operation Fox Hunt”, Anonymous announced the plans on YouTube to attack the Fox News website on the anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day. Anonymous is also planning to target former Fox News personality Glenn Beck as well as current Fox News representative Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly during “Operation Fox Hunt”.

Anonymous said that it has had a gutsful of “right wing conservative propaganda” and “belittling the occupiers” of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Anonymous recently a distributed denial-of-service attack against the Oakland police department’s website after a 24-year-old wounded Marine home from serving two tours in Iraq was critically injured in the Occupy Oakland protest. Police allegedly threw an object that fractured the marine’s skull landing him in the hospital.

Inspiration for Anonymous members, Guy Fawkes is most commonly known as the only person to enter Parliament with an honest intention. He wanted to blow up the House of Lords on November 5 in the year 1605 as part of a Catholic uprising.

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