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Sony confirms download size for Vita 3G
20MB limit on media and game downloads over 3G
It is now official: the Sony Vita’s 3G version will have a download cap when using the 3G connection. The download cap will be 20MB for media or game downloads when using the 3G connection. Downloads over 20MB are still possible when using the Wi-Fi connection, however. Speculation is that the cap was imposed by the cellular providers and was not a Sony decision.
It is hard to say right now how much a 20GB size cap per media or game download over 3G will really impact the owners on a daily basis. It remains to be seen if the majority of downloads will be over 20MB or not. We suspect that 20MB isn’t that big, and it will be difficult to get some stuff under the 20MB limit. Since users can still get it over Wi-Fi, in the end we are not really sure that it matters all that much; depending on where you are, it could be nothing more than inconvenient.