As we said a few times now, Nvidia is very enthusiastic about ARM support for Windows 8. Since Windows 8 should be coming in late 2012, companies like Nvdia, Qualcomm, TI and other mobile players are trying to get their drivers and hardware ready for this big day.
Nvidia has a quad core tablet chip in production and it should start selling in a few tablets soon, with phones coming in Q1. Qualcomm and TI will have their quad core 28nm chips ready in the latter half of 2012. Of course, Nvidia will have its 28nm Tegra in 2012, probably even ahead of the competition.
The important thing about Windows 8 is that battery life should become significantly better. Windows 8 will enable even thinner designs while chips ready for Windows 8 will get better TDPs.
Also the performance of Windows 8 should be significantly better compared to Windows 7 performance, and the native touch screen support and a complete overhaul to meet the needs of touch technologies are going to help.
This is something that will do good to tablet manufacturer other than Apple as well as Intel with even thinner Ultrabooks (Netbook 2.0 as a few chaps from Nvidia like to call it) and these new thin devices are expected to have a better battery life on top of the overhaul.
Windows 8 is still good year away from final release, but at least it has a lot of promising changes. Many believe that with Windows 8, tablets might begin to make more sense for many enterprise customers.