New research from a UK’s discount website has revealed that 34 per cent of gamers in the UK only buy second hand video games, as opposed to buying brand new. Furthermore, 11 per cent never buy games and rely on Christmas and birthday presents as a means of receiving them.
It would appear that Britons are looking to save money in as many ways as possible, as a new study has revealed that 34 per cent of gamers only purchase second hand video games for their console. According to a poll conducted by polled a total of 1,336 people from across the UK, each of whom owned a games console, in order to try and find out how gamers are trying to save money.
Respondents were initially asked if they ever bought second hand games, to which the majority, 56 per cent said that they did. Furthermore, 34 per cent of those polled said that they only ever bought second hand games, and when asked to explain why, the majority, 62 per cent, said it was because new video games were just too expensive.
However, 14 per cent of those polled said that they only bought new games. When asked why, 59 per cent of these respondents said that they didn’t trust that second hand games would work properly, whilst 32 per cent thought they would make more money from selling on new games when they had finished with them.
Furthermore, 11 per cent of those polled admitted that they never purchased games for themselves and relied on gifts, such as birthday or Christmas presents, for games, in order to save money. When asked how much they usually spent on games per year, the average answer from those that only bought second hand games was £210, compared with £480 for those that only bought brand new games.
Mark Pearson, chairman of said it was amazing how much money you can save by buying second hand games.
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A third of Brits buy only second hand games

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