Antisec, the hacking outfit which emerged from a merger between Lulzsec and Anonimous, has been revealing hacked data from the Anguilla, Brazil, and Zimbabwe governments.
AntiSec is a hybrid of Anonymous and LulzSec. Its goal appears to target government security amd dumping batches of information onto MediaFire.
Hackers dumped data from the Anguilla Government, then the Brazilians, then Zimbabwe and Australia. There is a bit of data from US companies. It will be torrented later today with more data from US companies and promised surprises.
The information is hardly diplomatic cables with an impact like Wikileaks. There are a few passwords ripped from Brazillian servers, the SQL-Dump of all Zimbabwe servers starting with the small userbase of Zimbabwe. The hacktivists claim they are trying to find out who actually likes Robert Mugabe.
The outfit claims that it will not be as funny as Lulzsec, but it would “sail in the same spirit”. In other words will sale up the nasal passages of authority and block the sinuses of governments who do not have enough security.
There had been talk of an alliance between Lolzsec and Anonymous for some time. Killing of Lolzsec and setting up a new structure might have been needed as rival hackers started to get close to exposing members.