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Canadians think Manga is kiddie porn

by on27 June 2011

Be careful what is on your laptop
Canadian customs officials are now becoming more fanatical about what is in your laptop than their counterparts in Iran. Officials have decided that if they search your laptop at the airport and find that you have Manga on it, you must be a paedophile, and will toss you in a prison for at least a year.

Generally Manga is pretty bad, however  the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund announced today in a press release that it's forming a coalition to support the defence of an American citizen facing criminal charges for manga discovered on his laptop while crossing from the US into Canada. If convicted, the computer programmer faces a minimum of one year in prison on charges of child pornography.

Apparently the coppers searched his laptop, iPad, and iPhone. We suspect they became suspicious when someone calling themselves a programmer had so many Apple toys when he should know better. Other travellers who have had comics seized or searched by Canada's customs officials include Elizabeth McClung, who was targeted in 2006 for carrying Miki Aihara's YA romance manga Tokyo Boys & Girls.

Apparently if you have gay and lesbian materials on your laptop you are almost certain to have the book thrown at you.
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