Facebook has apparently embarked on an effort to create its own foreign service to represent the social network and keep tabs on the local political landscape, at least in those countries that haven’t banned Facebook yet.
The new global policy team should offer a multilingual service to promote its interests and take part in privacy debates. Facebook believes the move will help it improve relationships with regulators and policymakers, thus limiting the scope for misunderstandings, primarily those antitrust "misunderstandings".
The outfit is already hiring policy directors for several European countries and the Middle East. With more than 600 million users worldwide, the virtual diplomats will have their work cut out for them.
Although it might sound like a novel idea, Google created a similar service some five years ago. Mind you, the fact that you spend hours on end will not qualify you for the job. In fact, Facebook is looking for people with extensive experience in both government and industry and fluency in several languages.
Judging by the ineptitude of most diplomats, it would probably be easier to get a job in some proper diplomatic service or at the UN. In most cases all you would need is some political connections, a pencil and a pulse.
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Facebook to create global foreign service

Can’t be leakier than US diplomatic network
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