The posters from the company on street advertising boards in Madrid invite women to "Relive your passion. Have an affair!" They are accompanied by a photograph of a smiling woman with her arms around someone who is not supposed to be her husband.
Diego Gascón, wrote on the Spanish website's Facebook page that the site should be ashamed of promoting infidelity. "This site makes me sick. What kind of morality are you trying to promote?" wrote another contributor. He hoped that this sort of business does not prosper and had to close down because there are people who do believe in family, in their partners and in love.
It might have been different if it had been the man having the affair. After all that sort of thing has been acceptable in Spain for years. You are just never allowed to mention it. Besides if women are having affairs, there must be men they are having them with. The site claims it is the first in Europe to target people who are married or already in a relationship.
"We offer an atmosphere in which you can have fun, flirt, get to know someone and have an affair either close to home or far away," claims the website, which gives its address as a PO Box in Oslo, Norway.
Apparently you can find cyber-lovers and real ones from as far away as Sweden, Norway and Denmark. So you too can wake up in the morning with your mouth feeling like an ashtray and discover that the Swedish blond Filly you thought you picked up was more of a cart horse from the back streets of Madrid.