At Cebit Taiwan's Asus has been showing off a clever idea to make the computer's shipping container the PC case.
From June the outfit will ship one of its Mini ATX motherboards in a PC case. It holds the motherboard snug for shipping and is constructed so additional components required to make a PC can be added.
Asus spokesperson Debby Lee said that there were punch-out holes for ventilation and a real panel that houses the PC's connectors and interfaces. She said that the big idea was that the box is intended to allow PC enthusiasts to get their new computers up and running quickly while they search for the perfect case.
Lost of people spend a lot of time looking for the right sort of case and this version will work until they find a box with the right stuff. Of course it is cheap and cheerful and it is not going to last forever but you could get up to a year's life out of it. Still it is a pretty good idea and saves you having to take an enormous box to the skip when the motherboard arrives.
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Asus wants the shipping container to be the PC case

Ideas of our time
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