It seems that no one in the world wants to trust the US GPS system these days.
For a few years now the EU has been planning to stick up its own GPS system into space, Russia is making improvements to its system and now the Japanese want one of their own. In September, Japan launched a rocket carrying its first satellite intended to improve GPS systems widely used by Japanese motorists for navigation as well as by aviation and maritime operators. The government's space development strategy headquarters, headed by Prime Minister Naoto Kan, is now discussing plans to launch additional satellites.
Why is it that countries are not that happy with the US system? Well it is a little out of date, but there is also a fear that the US might start using it as leverage in any diplomatic crisis. It also would give GPS to countries that the US might not like. (There's no shortage of those. sub.ed.)
According to Yomiuri Shimbun daily reported that Japan had decided to launch six to seven new satellites to establish its own GPS system by 2014 and 2015 to cover the entire Asia-Pacific region. The US system is getting a little elderly anyway and many of the new systems coming online are expected to be a lot more accurate.