Software thief SAP says that it is going to stick its business software onto RIM's new tablet. The outfit, which admitted nicking software from Oracle, has given the RIM tablet the thumbs up.
The consumer based Apple, has been trying to make a move onto the business market. This has been based on managers telling their IT departments that they want the tablets. However there are good reasons for IT managers not to allow iPads near their corporate networks. Apple's software does not play well with corporate networks and the security on them is based on Steve Jobs saying they are safe.
The SAP move will give IT managers in corporates a good reason to ban the faith based security iPad from their networks. If a company uses SAP software then they are going to want to have access to it on the move. They cannot do this on Apple tablets.
Oliver Bussmann, SAP's chief information officer said that SAP is definitely supporting the RIM Playbook with all of its ERP apps coming out on the Rim's Playbook. RIM hopes that a small number of high quality menu of business apps could help it catch up in the tablet market. SAP will make the under $500 PlayBook available to some of its employees in three to four weeks, Mr. Bussman said.
A 7-inch tablet computer, the Playbook will run on software built by QNX Software Systems, a Research in Motion unit that makes software used to run everything from cars to nuclear reactors. Research in Motion bought QNX earlier this year, and has been working to adapt the software for mobile phones.
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SAP will stick its software onto RIM tablet

Shutting Apple out of the business market