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Porn studios still supporting HD DVD
Digital Playground still supporting both formats
Well, it appears that a misquote is the start of another strange chapter in the HD movie wars. While it has been said that the porn industry was the deciding factor in settling the VHS vs. Beta battle of years ago, this time around it does not look like this industry will play the role of decision maker in settling the format war. While it is known that Sony was somewhat resistant to allowing porn on Blu-ray, a softer stance has seen the release of films on the Blu-ray platform.
According to a quote, industry giant Digital Playground was said to be switching from having a foot in both camps to moving to Blu-ray; but now it appears that they were misquoted and they will continue to support both formats, at least for the time being. They went on to say that they have a healthy customer base on the HD DVD platform, and until that number drops, they are going to continue to support the HD DVD format.
While Sony has not exactly welcomed the porn industry with open arms, they are allowing the companies to create adult content. The big issue, however, is getting the discs pressed. With more Blu-ray disc production lines coming up, it can still be a challenge to find someone who will press the adult content, and Sony is not providing any help in helping getting adult discs pressed, mastered, or offering pre-production help that is normally provided to non-adult content studios.
With Vivid Entertainment and Digital Playground still committed to HD DVD, for the moment things are not necessarily looking better, but at this point anything to stop the exit of more studios is positive, even if those studios are doing adult content.