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Amazon wants to shrink the size of the ebook

by on13 October 2010

100,000 words is too long thinks that a new format will appear with the advent if the ebook. This is a product which is longer than a magazine article but shorter than a book.

The online retailer said Tuesday it is launching Kindle "Singles," a section of its electronic bookstore dedicated to pieces that are 10,000 to 30,000 words or 30 to 90 pages. This is is about twice the length of an article in The New Yorker or several chapters of a book. Books are normally about 100,000 words.

And the company said it is soliciting the pieces outside of the publishing industry. "Today's announcement is a call to serious writers, thinkers, scientists, business leaders, historians, politicians and publishers to join Amazon in making such works available to readers around the world," the company said.

While it is good news for those who want more material written it does indicate that humanity wants to turn knowledge into smaller bite sized pieces.
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