Making the day a bit more interesting, Corsair has decided to roll out its new power supply line, the Gaming series. The new Gaming series have 80Plus certification and will be avialable as a 600, 700 and 800W version.
All three PSUs are non-modular, support ATX12V 2.3 standard, have sleeved cables and are cooled by a 140mm double ball-bearing temperature set fan. The blades of fan are transparent and can be illuminated at the request by three-color LEDs, so you can end up with either blue, red or white color. The entire Gaming series PSU has a single +12V rail peaking at 65Amps for the 800W version.
The MTBF is rated at 100,000 hours and all three are backed by three years of warranty. The MSRP for the Gaming series starts at US $99.99 for the 600W model, US $109.99 for the 700W and ends up at US $119.99 for the 800W model.