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Xbox 360 slim to hit Japan

by on26 August 2010

4GB version to arrive on the 9th
Those in Japan waiting for the arrival of the Xbox 360 slim Arcade will not have to wait much longer. The new slimmer version of the console that carries 4GB of internal flash memory, but no hard drive will hit Japan on September 9th for a price of about 19,800 YEN.

The Japanese version of the 4GB model will offer the same package that we have already seen, which includes the wireless controller, power adapter and AV connection cable. Japanese buyers who choose this route, but want to add the 250GB hard drive later will be stuck paying 15,540 YEN for it.

The slim version of the Xbox 360 has been quite successful for Microsoft, as the release of the latest console has led to some surprising sales numbers for the company. The company first launched the new console design in North America with much success and only released it in the U.K. last Friday. While Microsoft isn’t saying, it would appear that a number of Xbox 360 owners have upgraded to the new slim version, but sources tell us that Microsoft insists that new users are buying the console in big numbers, as well. This is a bit surprising, as the company did not slash the price of the slim console when it was released.
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