An ISP has confirmed it has shut down a blogging site and killed off 70,000 blogs because one of them had terrorist links.
Most of the blogs were completely innocent but for the sake of one dodgy ones, the US has decided they must all be shut off. Burstnet switched off after a blog contained a link to “terrorist material", an al-Qaeda "hit list" and also posted "bomb-making instructions".
Burstnet said it acted after receiving "a notice of a critical nature from law enforcement officials". But said its server had been "terminated without any notification or explanation."
The complaint came from the FBI who told BurstNet on 9 July that al-Qaeda materials had been found on Blogetery's servers.
The material allegedly found on the server included "the names of American citizens targeted for assassination by al-Qaeda" as well as messages from Osama bin Laden and other leaders of the terrorist organisation. The FBI did not ask for any websites to be shut down.