Apple has found an unlikely ally in its spat with Adobe over Flash support. Adult film studio Digital Playground announced that it would jump on the HTML5 bandwagon, as it needs a way to reach Apple iPhone users.
Digital Playground originally started offering content to iPhone users a couple of years ago, but it had to rely on the web, as Apple does not allow pornography on AppStore. Since Apple also dislikes Flash, the studio was left with more or less one option, to embrace HTML5.
Digital Playground currently uses Flash for desktop users, but it has announced that it will probably shift the HTML5 entirely as soon as browsers catch up with the new standard.
Ali Joone, the founder and director of Digital Playground is keen to target Apple users. “We were surprised how loyal iPhone and especially iPad owners are. 70% of our customers are returning customers. They spend a lot of money,” said Joone.
Who would have thought that Apple users are a loyal, porn-loving bunch that enjoys frivolous spending?