Published in News

US Senators grill Steve Jobs

by on25 June 2010

Apple saint chucked on the Barbie
US Senators are grilling Apple saint Steve Jobs for wanting to know details of Apple users every movement.

Edward J. Markey and Joe Barton who are the co-chairman of the House Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus, have written to Apple CEO Steve Jobs asking about recent press reports that the company has updated its privacy policies to alert users that it is collecting and using information about users' precise geographic location.

The lawmakers are concerned that users appeared to automatically be included in Apple's gathering of geographic data unless they actively opt out of having information collected about them. The letter said that given the limited ability of Apple users to opt out of the revised policy and still be able to take advantage of the features of their Apple products, stating: “We are concerned about the impact the collection of such data could have on the privacy of Apple’s customers.”

Jobs has until July 12 to answer the Senators' letter and given the amount of power these two have, it is unlikely a two word reply from his iPhone will do.
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