Relief is available for those watching the World Cup and are being reduced to mental jelly by the South African horns.
The South African crowds use of Vuvuzelas, has been the curse of the world cup coverage. The horns, which are supposed to simulate the sound of a charging elephant are like having a hive of angry bees shoved inside your head.
The noise has basically destroyed any enjoyment of watching the world cup. That and the fact that even America can get England to a draw and the fact I don't like football much. At least New Zealand is still in the running.
However while the South Africans are not banning the use of Vuvuzelas those watching the game on their computers can at least use this to kill them off. National Instruments have written a bit of code here which should, in the eyes of many, be enough to win them the Nobel Peace prize.
Hardware-wise you will need to insert your computer in the audio signal flow. If your TV has an audio output, connect that to your sound card's line in, then connect your sound card output to however you want to listen to the game (speakers or headphones). You can then stream it to your telly via a laptop connection with the wires connected to your stereo.