Published in News

Ubuntu release marred by popularity

by on20 April 2007


Server can't handle the upgrades

Ubuntu Linux's release of 'Feisty Fawn' into the wild yesterday proved so popular that the distribution's servers could not cope.Ubuntu Linux vendor Canonical on Thursday released the latest version and both include a Microsoft Windows migration assistant, wireless networking support, and improved multimedia support. We wrote about the release here.

Many people have been waiting for the final version to be released as an alternative to Microsoft's Vista and when the announcement was made excessive server downloads caused a backup on the Canonical Web site and its 160 mirrored sites.

More than 65 percent of the download requests came from North America, while 25 percent came from Europe.

Feisty Fawn has the added benefit of including a free-of-charge Java stack. The stack is comprised of the open source Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 implementation known as GlassFish; the Java Platform, Standard Edition (JDK 6); the Java database version 10.2 product (built from Apache Derby) and Sun's preferred software development tool NetBeans version 5.5.

More here.

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