Ubisoft pulls the plug on 'The Crew'
Published in Gaming

Gamer outrage as users don't get what they paid for

Ubisoft has just given gamers a stark reminder that they are renting access to our libraries and pulled the plug on the online-only racing game 'The Crew'.

AI exterminates humans in some tasks, but not all
Published in AI

Stanford’s New AI Index Report

Stanford’s new AI Index Report discloses that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has outperformed humans in several benchmarks, including image classification, visual reasoning, and English understanding. However, it lags in complex tasks like competition-level mathematics, visual commonsense reasoning, and planning.

Apple in trouble with British courts
Published in News

Attempts to dodge €1 billion law suit thrown out

Fruity cargo cult Apple’s cheeky bid to dodge a lawsuit worth nearly €1 billion has been chucked out by the beak.

Chipzilla's Raptor Lake CPUs are extinct
Published in News

Meets its meteor

Chipzilla, also known as Intel, is ringing the death knell for its overclockable Core i5, i7, and i9 Raptor Lake CPUs. The K-series lineup is set to become tech fossils after 24 May 2024, with vendors getting their last chance to snap them up.

Huawei's building a mega chip R&D Centre
Published in News

Shanghai to be the new Silicon Valley

Tech titan Huawei is trying to outsmart Uncle Sam's tech crackdown with a whopping new semiconductor R&D centre in Shanghai. They're talking a big game with plans to whip up their lithography machines, the secret sauce for top-tier chips.

Spectre's spooky sequel haunts Linux
Published in News

Intel’s Ghost in the Machine returns

Tech boffins are quaking in their boots as the ghost of Spectre returns to haunt Linux systems.

PHP on life support
Published in News
15 April 2024

PHP on life support

Plummets to all-time low in popularity

PHP has nosedived to its lowest-ever rank on the TIOBE index—coming in at a dismal #17.

Qualcomm joins Canonical's elite circle
Published in News

Tech Titans Team Up

Qualcomm is set to join Canonical's "silicon partners," a coveted club that boasts big names like Intel, Nvidia, AMD, and Arm.

Axios' big boss claims AI is going to sort sheep from goats in media
Published in News

Eviscerate the weak, the ordinary, the unprepared

Axios head honcho Jim VandeHei has warned that artificial intelligence will "eviscerate the weak, the ordinary, the unprepared in media."

Google spends a billion dollars on new submarine cables
Published in Network

Godzilla gets faster internet and more cat videos

Google has unveiled plans to invest $1 billion in two new submarine cables, Proa and Taihei, forging fresh digital pathways between the US and Japan.